Monday, 17 December 2012

24 Top Reflections of 2012

  1. Life is too short to waste time on what doesn’t matter.
  2. You become who you have coffee with.
  3. Yesterday you said tomorrow....  Just Do It!
  4. Outstanding Leaders let their people feel their passion.
  5. Small steps every day over time become massive results.
  6. Great Leaders always find a way that is not written down.
  7. Be who you are, not who you think you are.
  8. If you don’t live your own life, you will end up living someone else’s life.
  9. Cut the outside noise out and just do it.
  10. The way you do the small things in life is the way you will do everything.
  11. Every day do the difficult things first.
  12. Every critic was once a dreamer who has just lost sight of their dreams.
  13. Stop being busy around the wrong things.
  14. Time is free, but it is priceless.
  15. Every action that is easy to do is also easy not to do.
  16. You know a great leader by the amount of arrows in his or her back.
  17. Listen to that something in your gut, trust it and follow it.
  18. We see the world not as it is, we see the world through our own filter.
  19. The ideas that you give to other people are very often the ideas you need to do yourself.
  20. People don’t watch what you say, they watch who you are.
  21. You are only ever alive at the end of your comfort zone.
  22. What if you lived every day without fear.
  23. Don’t give yourself permission to live a small life.
  24. It’s amazing how spiritual most of us get when we are in trouble.


To book Molly for a Keynote Speech, Seminar or Master Class
call +44 (0)151 632 5888
or email

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Great Leaders Build Reflection Time into their Day

Who you are at work is a reflection of what is going on within you.  Your behaviour as a Leader is a reflection of who you are.

When running Leadership Programmes across Corporates, one of the first disciplines I encourage Leaders to make and take is reflection time... and to stop being busy around the wrong things.

When I was researching the disciplines of Outstanding Leaders for my last book, one of the most fascinating findings was all of the Leaders started their day early and had morning reflection time.  This included the whole of their life.
  • Self Reflection
  • Learning Reflection
  • Exercise Reflection
  • Vision Reflection

They found that adding the discipline of reflection to their daily rituals got them to reflect, refuel and rethink and as a result they were more equipped to deal with the daily challenges within the workplace.

To book Molly for a Keynote Speech, Seminar or Master Class
call +44 (0)151 632 5888
or email

Friday, 23 November 2012

Clarity is Key to Leadership

Great leaders always find a way that is not written down.

As we are now in the final two months of 2012, how clear are you currently as a Leader?

How clear are you on your market’s most urgent pains and problems?

Are you totally clear about why you do what you do?  It might surprise you but most entrepreneurs don’t have a clue.

What if as a leader you were to pick one thing that you have been putting off until now and put it in motion for the next two months?

Maybe it’s time to stop spending all your time switching and running back and forth between strategies and tactics and just pick one thing, understand it and apply it.

Why not do today what Outstanding Leaders do in small steps every day?

To book Molly for a Keynote Speech, Seminar or Master Class
call +44 (0)151 632 5888

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Leaders Understand That They Become Who They Have Coffee With

Has 2012 been your best year yet?  If not, why not?

Where along the way did you get distracted?
Who has been in your company in 2012?
Have these people and acquaintances lifted you up or pushed your dreams down?

Many people who know me know that I am passionate about the people who are around me and in my company.  I learned that valuable lesson as far back as 2003 when I first met Jack Canfield in Arizona.  Jack asked me, who were the five people around me on a 24 / 48 hour basis?  He also asked how positive were they in my life?

I realised in that moment that:

  • You become who you have coffee with.

  • You become your influences.

  • You become the books you read.

  • You become who you have conversations with.

Are you around great thinkers?

Be careful, you will also become who and what you listen to...

And most of all be discerning about who you have coffee with.

It’s better to be in your own quiet company than negative company.

 To book Molly for a Keynote Speech, Seminar or Master Class
call +44 (0)151 632 5888

Monday, 5 November 2012

Outstanding Leaders Create Great Places to Work

Leaders who can inspire others to do great things in the workplace create great places to work.

It’s not good enough anymore to be an exceptional thinker as a leader, you need the ability to persuade and encourage your people to see the brilliance in your vision. 

Three important ingredients are needed to influence and persuade others.
  1. Trust  -  You have to be authentic in your words and actions.
  2. Every day in some small way articulate your vision and the values of the organisation.
  3. Consistently use conversation to engage and motivate people.
Communication is the glue that binds strategy and vision and creates a great place to work.  An outstanding leader knows that they are on their way to creating harmony and enthusiasm in the workplace when employees look forward to coming into work and not thinking roll on Friday when it’s only Monday morning. 

To book Molly for a Keynote Speech, Seminar or Master Class contact
on +44 (0) 151 632 5888

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Leaders Need Courage

Many organisations across the world currently feel pushed, squeezed or pulled and more than ever before, leaders need courage.

Physical courage to at all times be transparent, honest and call forth political game playing and have the moral courage to do what needs to be done, even though it will at first be seen to be unpopular and can lead to a great deal of criticism.  Moral courage is born out of honesty and truthfulness and calls for leaders to lead from the inside out, not the traditional way of outside in.  When leaders lead from the inside out, they have developed an innate inner self belief which means courage to stand up for what they think is right, even though that might be uncomfortable.

When you do, your followers will have a greater degree of trust in you and you will sleep better at night. 

Knowing you have had the courage to lead from the heart and think things through from the head.

To book Molly for a Keynote Speech, Seminar or Master Class contact
on +44 (0) 151 632 5888

Friday, 5 October 2012

Tips on How to Create One Leader at a Time

Leadership today is more complex, demanding and stressful but more rewarding and meaningful if you get it right.

More than ever before, it is important to create one leader at a time in order to build more agile organisations. 

  1. As a leader, make trust a strategic goal.
  2. Learn to embrace the digital age of transparency, it is not going away.
  3. Articulate your mission with crystal clarity.
  4. Stand up and speak out on what you believe in.
  5. Be real, be you, let people know what you care about.
  6. Know your strengths and the strengths of everyone around you.
  7. Let people have their say and don’t hijack the conversation.
  8. Know what excites and worries the leaders you are encouraging to step forth.
  9. Be more visible, walk the floor.
  10. Model the behaviours you want, learn to get out of your own way.
  11. Communicate, communicate, communicate, you have to just keep on communicating.
  12. Use the power of stories as the super glue to your messages.
  13. Learn to be interested, be respectful and be patient.
  14. When you listen, listen with your eyes, your ears and your heart.

You can purchase a copy of Molly’s new bookSeconds Away From Outstanding Leadership’
Today by clicking HERE

"This book comes with a serious profit warning. It will enhance your profit, competitiveness, employee engagement and help you to focus the strategic direction of your business. It's a MUST read." - Sir Eric Peacock

To book Molly for a Keynote Speech, Seminar or Master Class contact
Brendan O’Connor at The London Speaker Bureau
on +44 (0) 20 8748 9595
or email

Monday, 24 September 2012

Do What You Say You’re Going to Do

How often do you over promise? 

How often do you say yes when you want to say no?

How often have you cancelled appointments at the last minute?

Too often, when we are not clear and authentic we let life and priorities slide and we think we get away with it.  I have news for you... You Don’t.  People remember.

How often have you said in the past ‘I will send you an email...’  ‘I will call you tomorrow...’ and you don’t do it? 

What if from this day forth you honoured your word and if you don’t mean it say so.

Outstanding Leaders tell the truth even if it is no.  By doing what you say you will do, you build your brand, transparency and trust everywhere you go.

Tell the truth and tell it fast.

You can purchase a copy of Molly’s new bookSeconds Away From Outstanding Leadership’
Today by clicking HERE

"This book comes with a serious profit warning.  It will enhance your profit, competitiveness, employee engagement and help you to focus the strategic direction of your business. It's a MUST read." - Sir Eric Peacock

To book Molly for a Keynote Speech, Seminar or Master Class contact
Brendan O’Connor at The London Speaker Bureau
on +44 (0) 20 8748 9595
or email

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

How to Create Enchanting Company Cultures

Over the past year, I have researched and been fascinated by the growth of companies like Google and Apple, and how they are leading the way in the age of disruption. They have become so good at what they do that people cannot ignore them anymore. They are merchants of how as they trail-blaze their way to new frontiers not affected in any way by the current recession across the world.
Tips on How to Create an Enchanting Culture:
  • Have a no excuses policy.
  • Get the company mindset right.
  • Create a possibilities culture where every challenge is turned into a possibility.
  • Get out of the habit of improving things by 1%.  It's better to do things ten times better!
  • Encourage creativity by making the environment more creative.
  • Remember Google breeds genius by encouraging their people to develop and use their creative skills in the work place.
  • Create a culture where people really feel they can succeed and when people are succeeding they stay in companies longer.
  • Make the work environment irresistible, fun, and creative.
  • Every day encourage your team to do things they don't think they can do.
Right now the more your company disrupts the more it will lead to a breakthrough in the market place.  Make your company culture a sense of community where everyone feels part of one big team, leading the way and finding new innovative ways each day to make the impossible, possible.

The time is now, just do it and be it!

You can purchase a copy of Molly’s new bookSeconds Away From Outstanding Leadership’
Today by clicking HERE

"This book comes with a serious profit warning.  It will enhance your profit, competitiveness, employee engagement and help you to focus the strategic direction of your business. It's a MUST read." - Sir Eric Peacock

To book Molly for a Keynote Speech, Seminar or Master Class contact
Brendan O’Connor at The London Speaker Bureau
on +44 (0) 20 8748 9595
or email

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Ten Observations that Set Leaders Apart

As I have the privilege to work with many Leaders on a daily basis, I learn so much about what really sets someone apart from being great to outstanding.  Over time I have come to realise it's the small things done on a daily basis that really adds up to outstanding success. Very often you cannot physically see those small things, yet it can be felt in the resonance of their presence.
Some of the observations of Outstanding Leaders are as follows:
  • Work on your character every day
  • Speak your truth even if you know it will upset some people
  • Show up as yourself, it speaks far more loudly than your words
  • It takes a lot of courage to go against the crowd.  Do It!
  • It takes a lot of courage to be a visionary.  Be It!
  • It takes a lot of courage to walk down the path that is not there yet.  Keep walking it!
  • Be bold and go deep as a Leader.
  • Be honest about your weaknesses, and play to your strengths.
  • Hire people in your team where your weaknesses are.
  • Commit yourself to excellence in everything you do.
Outstanding Leaders are dreamers who take massive action every day to make their dreams a reality.  However, they make time to dream every day. 
Today I am the product of my dreams; after all I was the girl who day-dreamed her way through school preparing for the work and life I am living today.

You can purchase a copy of Molly’s new bookSeconds Away From Outstanding Leadership’
Today by clicking HERE

"This book comes with a serious profit warning. It will enhance your profit, competitiveness, employee engagement and help you to focus the strategic direction of your business. It's a MUST read." - Sir Eric Peacock

To book Molly for a Keynote Speech, Seminar or Master Class contact
Brendan O’Connor at The London Speaker Bureau
on +44 (0) 20 8748 9595
or email

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Live from the End of your Vision

Every great vision begins with a thought that first comes alone within our imagination.  

Outstanding Leaders know that to accomplish anything in life they must first expect it of themselves.

Over the last four years I have been studying the work of Neville Goddard, and he passionately believes that to make your future vision a present fact, you have to assure the feeling that the vision fulfils.
  Living from the end means you call the things that don't exist yet and know that they are on their way.  That sometimes calls us to live fearlessly and trust that all things are possible.  

I have written down nine ideas; you can live from the end of your vision every day.
·         Infinite patience produces results

·         Never allow the outside noise of people around you into your imagination

·         Make time every day to see and feel the vision completed

·         Communicate that vision to everyone in the company every day

·         Ignore anything that is not in alignment with the vision

·         Every night in the last 5 minutes before you sleep, fill your subconscious with thoughts of the vision completed

·         Know that the right people, the right help and whatever else is required to complete the vision is on its way

·         Being positive about your vision is not enough. Be yourself, be real and know that your vision is part of your bigger purpose

·         Every day ask yourself what does it feel like to have completed the vision?

·         By practising some of the above ideas you will retrain your subconscious mind and leave a lasting legacy in the world. 

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

10 Tips on How to Manage Yourself as a Leader

Outstanding Leaders know and understand that their mind is their greatest tool, and everyday they work with their minds so as not to let fear, frustration and the outside noise get in. Every morning clarify and refine your Leadership Vision.  Describe in detail the Leader you are becoming.  What will you be doing as far forward as 2025?  What small steps can you take today, in that direction?
  • Take ownership.
  • Be responsible for your Growth.
  • Let go of your old habits.
  • Decrease your technology dependence.
  • Capture your ideas in simple ways, for example carry some 3 x 5 index cards with you everywhere you go.
  • Avoid micro-managing yourself.
  • Manage stress by facing it.
  • Take the work out of work, and make work fun!
  • Develop a strong Leadership Brand.
What do you want to be known for?  What results do you want to achieve in the next 12 months?

  • Become familiar with emerging markets. Tomorrow's Leaders need to identify and seize new possibilities created as emerging markets take centre stage in the global economy.

You can purchase a copy of Molly’s new bookSeconds Away From Outstanding Leadership’
Today by clicking HERE

"This book comes with a serious profit warning.  It will enhance your profit, competitiveness, employee engagement and help you to focus the strategic direction of your business. It's a MUST read." - Sir Eric Peacock

To book Molly for a Keynote Speech, Seminar or Master Class contact
Brendan O’Connor at The London Speaker Bureau
on +44 (0) 20 8748 9595
or email

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

20 Wisdom Tips on Leadership

  1. Address what is not working and the distraction will dissipate.
  2. Change means movement, movement sometimes means friction.
  3. Resources are never the real problem the real challenge is lack of resourcefulness.
  4. Everyday, work at being emotionally fit.
  5. Blame gives you no power, start to master your inner power today.
  6. If you truly want to lead in life, start by leading yourself.
  7. Always keep your sense of wonder and dream, dream, dream.
  8. Stop chasing life, just be it and live it today.
  9. You have to be satisfied with nothing to have everything.
  10. Before you change the world you have to first change your own world.
  11. Vague plans lead to vague results.
  12. Always hire people that are smarter than you, more experienced than you and have lots of passion bubbling over.
  13. Take time to hire the best people.
  14. Victims are afraid of change; Leaders are inspired by change.
  15. Have a mind that is open to everything and is attached to nothing.
  16. Your days on this planet are numbered. This moment and today are gifts.
  17. Make a commitment to take that step you don't think you can take today.
  18. Most people spend their life looking back instead of looking forward; and they wonder and moan about life staying the same.
  19. Simplicity is the trademark of Outstanding Leadership.
  20. Never run someone else's race in life... make sure you run your own race.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Live from the End of your Vision

Every great vision begins with a thought that first comes alone within our imagination. Outstanding Leaders know that to accomplish anything in life they must first expect it of themselves. Over the last four years I have been studying the work of Neville Goddard, and he passionately believes that to make your future vision a present fact, you have to assure the feeling that the vision fulfils. Living from the end means you call the things that don't exist yet and know that they are on there way. That sometimes calls us to live fearlessly and trust that all things are possible. So I have written down nine ideas, you can live from the end of your vision every day.

  • Infinite patience produces results.
  • Never allow the outside noise of people around you into your imagination.
  • Make time every day to see and feel the vision completed.
  • Communicate that vision to everyone in the company every day.
  • Ignore anything that is not in alignment with the vision.
  • Every night in the last 5 minutes before you sleep, fill your subconscious with thoughts of the vision completed.
  • Know that the right people, the right help and whatever else is required to complete the vision is on its way.
  • Being positive about your vision is not enough.  Be yourself, be real and know that your vision is part of your bigger purpose.
  • Every day ask yourself what does it feel like to have completed the vision.
  • By practising some of the above ideas you will retrain your subconscious mind and leave a lasting legacy in the world.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Outstanding Leaders get over Terror Barriers

I got a phone call in January 2012 from a business colleague, and friend asking me to attend a fitness boot camp with her in March. My reply to her was No, and why would I want to put myself through 7 days of torture...

Ten hours of exercise per day. There was silence at the other end of the phone, and then came the reply from her. "Molly, what a great excuse you are making, especially as you are the very person who goes into Organisations across the world and teaches people how to overcome excuses."

I was initially speechless and realised she was right.  I was being encouraged to step forth like never before and jump out of my comfort zone, so I agreed to go. We headed off to Devon in the 17th of March to Prestige Boot Camp. On the long car journey down we began to discuss our terror barriers and I realised mine were huge. The excuses that I had made since I was eleven years old, about strenuous exercise. However on this new journey I promised myself to keep an open mind no matter how tough the fitness training was. Every day we started at 7am and finished at 6pm

10 Tips on How I Overcome my Terror Barriers to Exercise;

  1. Stay, be and live in the moment.
  2. Dream about how good it will feel once it's all over.
  3. Get up at 5.05am, sit, imagine and see yourself succeeding, and the day over.
  4. Prepare your mind and then your body will follow.
  5. Use affirmations like - It is easy; It is not taking a long time.
  6. When you feel you can not move one more inch, see yourself taking one more step.
  7. Use music and have your favourite songs recorded.
  8. Laugh with colleagues.
  9. Be honest, be real, and let the tears flow when you are overcome with exhaustion.
  10. Never, never give up.
By the end of day seven I was seven and a half pounds lighter and had lost seven inches. How I felt was beyond words and it taught me a great lesson. That lesson was embrace your terror barrier and take action. Possibility lives on the other side of the terror barrier.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

20 Great Questions for Leaders

Questions help us stretch and grow to a whole new level of possibility. What questions do you ask yourself every day as a Leader?  What questions do you ask your staff and work colleagues to encourage them to be the CEO's and their own posistion.  When we pause each day and ask ourselves and everyone around us the right questions, we live life at a whole new level of awareness.

  1. How do I want to be perceived as a Leader?
  2. What is it I really want as a Leader?
  3. If I had 48 hours left in my current organisation as a Leader, what would I do differently, and why?
  4. What two things could I do today that would take my leadership skills to a whole new level?
  5. How do I know I am an effective leader?
  6. What excuses have I let get in the way recently?
  7. What do I need to stop doing as a leader?
  8. What if as a leader I had unlimited resources, what would I do differently, and why?
  9. What one thing could you do today as a leader that would take you closer to your vision?
  10. What are your core values as a leader?
  11. What is really important to you as a leader?
  12. How effective currently is your leadership message?
  13. Can you describe in one sentence your one, three, and five year vision as a leader?
  14. How do I turn the vision into reality?
  15. What are you currently focusing on as a leader, that is creating the most impact?
  16. What will the company look like 24 months from now? 
  17. How can you offer more value as a leader?
  18. What can you do to make someone else's life better today?
  19. What have I been dismissing recently as a Leader?
  20. What will my legacy be?

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

20 Tips that will improve your Leadership in Seconds

Leadership to me is all about the ability to show up and allow everyone around you to step forth.  I have come up with tips that I invite you to concentrate on and then take the necessary action.
  1. Be aware of your presence and how you show up in the moment.
  2. Always keep the promises you make to others and to yourself.
  3. Small steps daily are the key to staggering lifelong success.
  4. Read ‘Seconds Away from Outstanding Leadership’
  5. Every day develop your inner as well as your outer capacity to deal with these complex times.
  6. Set the clock, get up early and enjoy the silence of the early morning.
  7. Be ‘apple like’ in your obsession with getting the details right.
  8. Look after your health and energy; hire a personal trainer.
  9. Every morning ask yourself, ‘what three things will I do today to bring me closer to my vision?’
  10. Say no to distractions and chunk your day down to 90 minute chunks.
  11. Your job as a leader is not to create more followers; it is to create more leaders.
  12. Keep a thinking journal, carry it everywhere with you.
  13. At the beginning of each new day and last thing at night, look at your long term vision.
  14. On Sunday evening plan out the next week in advance.
  15. Every morning do the difficult tasks first.
  16. Have a large jug of water on your desk, stay hydrated.
  17. Be there for people, speak less, listen more.
  18. Cut out the bickering within an organisation.
  19. Remember you become who you have coffee with.
  20. De-clutter your office space.

You can purchase a copy of Molly’s new book
‘Seconds Away From Outstanding Leadership’
Today by clicking HERE

To book Molly for a Keynote Speech, Seminar or Master Class contact
Brendan O’Connor at The London Speaker Bureau
on +44 (0) 20 8748 9595
or email

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

The Discipline of Leadership

It takes discipline to be an outstanding leader.  Discipline is all about the choices that you make each day.  You give yourself a command and then you make the decision to follow through with it.

Discipline brings about clarity of mind and helps you shut out distractions.  It takes discipline to do the difficult things in life first.  I once heard a great quote to have what the very few have, do what the very few do.  To be stunningly magnificent at what you do in life takes focus, simplicity and the self-discipline to live your life on your own terms.
  • Time and energy are two of your most special commodities, use them wisely.
  • Only check and deal with your emails twice per day.
  • Cut out useless meetings.  Ask yourself on a scale of 1-10, how important is this meeting?
  • Resolve any broken agreements or promises you have not kept.
  • Discipline is about repetition and continuing to do the right thing every day.
  • If the processes around you are not helping you and your team towards success, get rid of them.

You can purchase a copy of Molly’s new book
‘Seconds Away From Outstanding Leadership’
today by clicking HERE

To book Molly for a Keynote Speech, Seminar or Master Class contact
Brendan O’Connor at The London Speaker Bureau
on +44 (0) 20 8748 9595
or email

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

The Rituals of Outstanding Leaders

All too often we look at outstanding leaders and assume they just got lucky or that they were born to lead.  What we don’t see is the discipline and some of the daily rituals that go into crafting the extraordinary impact they have and the results they create.

They fully understand that leadership begins with their own self-leadership.  They understand that daily rituals will keep them at their best and help them to stay in a positive state.
  • Build daily thinking time into your diary.
  • Plan, do, review every day.
  • On a Sunday evening, sit for ten minutes and plan out the following week ahead.
  • Remember you become who you have coffee with, watch who is around you.
  • Make it a ritual to do everything with excellence by making yourself a model of attention to detail.
  • Set the clock and get up sixty minutes earlier.
Click HERE to watch Corporate TV

To book Molly for a Keynote Speech, Seminar or Master Class contact
Brendan O’Connor at The London Speaker Bureau
on +44 (0) 20 8748 9595
or email

Monday, 13 February 2012

Three Hard Questions Great Leaders Ask

Recently on my travels I heard a great story. An engineering company was turning over on average £10 million per year and one day the owner of the company had a massive heart attack and died.

His wife had never had anything to do with the company and no previous leadership experience, so as you can imagine everyone was worried what would happen to the company and their jobs. After the funeral, his wife went into the office and called all the Heads of Department together and spoke to them individually, one by one. During the meeting she asked them three questions:
  • What are you doing?
  • What is not working?
  • What is working?
Over the next two years, she went back every six months and asked the Heads of Department the same questions. Within two years the company grew from £10 million to £25 million. She had no previous experience, yet she had the ability to ask great questions and allow the people to stop doing what no longer worked.

Four Lessons from the Three Hard Questions:
  • Stop and Pause, ask yourself regularly the three hard questions.
  • Give yourself and your staff permission to stop doing what no longer works.
  • Ask yourself and your team the hard questions every day.
  • Listen to your staff.

Click HERE to watch Corporate TV

To book Molly for a keynote speech, seminar or master class contact
Brendan O’Connor at The London Speaker Bureau
on +44 (0) 20 8748 9595
or email