Monday, 17 December 2012

24 Top Reflections of 2012

  1. Life is too short to waste time on what doesn’t matter.
  2. You become who you have coffee with.
  3. Yesterday you said tomorrow....  Just Do It!
  4. Outstanding Leaders let their people feel their passion.
  5. Small steps every day over time become massive results.
  6. Great Leaders always find a way that is not written down.
  7. Be who you are, not who you think you are.
  8. If you don’t live your own life, you will end up living someone else’s life.
  9. Cut the outside noise out and just do it.
  10. The way you do the small things in life is the way you will do everything.
  11. Every day do the difficult things first.
  12. Every critic was once a dreamer who has just lost sight of their dreams.
  13. Stop being busy around the wrong things.
  14. Time is free, but it is priceless.
  15. Every action that is easy to do is also easy not to do.
  16. You know a great leader by the amount of arrows in his or her back.
  17. Listen to that something in your gut, trust it and follow it.
  18. We see the world not as it is, we see the world through our own filter.
  19. The ideas that you give to other people are very often the ideas you need to do yourself.
  20. People don’t watch what you say, they watch who you are.
  21. You are only ever alive at the end of your comfort zone.
  22. What if you lived every day without fear.
  23. Don’t give yourself permission to live a small life.
  24. It’s amazing how spiritual most of us get when we are in trouble.


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