How much excitement and inner wildness is there in your current workplace these days?
When we feel excitement, it gives our lives meaning and hope, two of the most needed words in today's work environment.
As I travel the world I still see too many workplaces that are filled with the living dead, who say on a Monday morning, roll on Friday, living lives of quiet desperation always wishing for the weekend to come.
The leader as a mountaineer has the ability to change that.
- They realise every day is a new day.
- Every day is the chance to climb a new summit together.
- Every day they bring the presence of who they are to the workplace.
- Every day they lead from the inside out.
- Every day they bring meaning and creativity and it affects everyone around them.
- Every day they know and understand that being outstanding makes a difference.
- Every day they take small steps knowing that over time, it will have an incredible impact.
- Every day they are a mountaineer in the workplace, encouraging and supporting everyone in their team to leave the Valley and live from the mind set of the Mountain.