Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Leaders Take Thinking Time

How much thinking time do you build into your diary each day?

When we allow thinking time in our day we step back and re-focus on what is most important.

Many people spend their lives being busy, yet achieving very little. Being busy impresses no one except yourself. I passionately believe life is not about working hard or even working smart; life and time are about working right. Just imagine all the extra time you would create in your life by adding thinking time into your diary each day. I encourage you to set your clock thirty minutes early; get up and use the time to think, focus and plan your day ahead.

Imagine just how much more productive and creative you will be.

Lessons on Thinking:
  • Get out of bed thirty minutes early, make that time your thinking time.
  • Being busy impresses no one except you.
  • Step back and re-evaluate everything you spend your time on each day.
  • Thinking time will enhance your creativity and innovation.

Click HERE to watch Corporate TV

To book Molly for a keynote speech, seminar or master class contact
Brendan O’Connor at The London Speaker Bureau
on +44 (0) 20 8748 9595

Monday, 23 January 2012

Be It Now

What are you really here on the planet to do?
How do you really want to live?
What if you lived every day as if you were what you are called to be now.

I learned that lesson very early in life. My mother has been one of my greatest teachers. At 36 years of age she had to have all her teeth removed due to a gum disease. Soon afterwards the dentist called her back to collect her new set of teeth. As the months passed by I noticed she only put her teeth in for weddings, christenings and funerals. At first, I was embarrassed and often said “Mammy will you put your teeth in”. I remember her laughing and her reply was “I don’t need my teeth to be who I am”. Many years later I often ponder on that profound statement.

I encourage you to be what you want to grow into today. You are the main star in your own movie. Act as if you are there right now. Every day when you get up see yourself where you want to be now and one day you will be in total alignment with the resonance of your presence.

Four Lessons on Thinking:
  • Why be normal when you can be yourself.
  • Be the best you that you can be now.
  • Become a star in your own movie.
  • Stop putting off your true calling and do it and be it today.

Click HERE to watch Corporate TV

To book Molly for a keynote speech, seminar or master class contact
Brendan O’Connor at The London Speaker Bureau
on +44 (0) 20 8748 9595
or email Brendan@londonspeakerbureau.co.uk

Monday, 16 January 2012

Leaders Know It’s Show Time Every Day In Business

Outstanding leaders know and understand that it’s show time every moment of the day. When you lead from the front, consistency is the key. People will follow strong authentic leaders who lead in a consistent way. Be aware of your daily rituals; be aware of your behaviour. Pay attention to what is happening around you and encourage each one of your people to be the CEO of their own job.

Set boundaries and encourage honest conversations. You as a leader cannot afford to have a bad day. Learn to reframe all problems into solutions, being innovative, creative and bold. Communication and inclusiveness is the key.

Show up and step forward today.

Lessons in Show Time:
  • Be aware of the impact you have on others.
  • Lead with consistency and truth every day.
  • Set boundaries and have honest conversations.
  • Pay attention to what is happening around you.

Click HERE to watch Corporate TV

To book Molly for a keynote speech, seminar or masterclass contact
Brendan O’Connor at The London Speaker Bureau
on +44 (0) 20 8748 9595
or email Brendan@londonspeakerbureau.co.uk

Monday, 9 January 2012

Action is the Key

You can have the best, most creative intentions in the world, so what if you don’t take action.

I realised many years ago that it was useless setting goals in my goals book every New Year and then never looking at them again until the following year. When you set goals you must add a deadline too; when you hope to achieve it by. Then every day get your goals book out and look at your intentions. As you look over the goal, feel what it will be like when you achieve it. Then feel as if you have already achieved what it is you want. It will take discipline to look at your goals every day.

Why not make a decision to look at your goals once a day over the next 90 days and if within the 90 days you forget to look at your goals book, go back and start at day one again.

What you will find after about 30 days, is your sub conscious mind will come up with actions on how you can achieve what you have set out to do. Once your ideas come… act fast. Don’t ponder, don’t think about it, do it.

The only difference between you and someone else is the amount of action you take.

Where can you take action today in your life?

Four Lessons on Action:
  • Every morning and last thing at night, look at your goals.
  • Feel whatever it is you want to achieve.
  • See and hear yourself as having already achieved it.
  • Don’t ponder, take action fast.

Click HERE to Watch Corporate TV

To book Molly for a keynote speech, seminar or master class contact
Brendan O’Connor at The London Speaker Bureau
on +44 (0) 20 8748 9595
or email Brendan@londonspeakerbureau.co.uk